How to contribute

By sharing your template with the community, you help others benefit from your designs.

If you need further help, follow the links below.

Create your file

Create your file

Design anything you'd like to share. This file can be a template or a library of components, assets, icons ... There is no limit to the imagination!

Create your file

Create a file cover

Create a new artboard 1390 x 724 in a new page. This page needs to be your very first page. Then use your amazing creativity skills to delight us with your library cover.

Create your file

Export your file

To export a file select the export option from the file menu at the dashboard and a .penpot file will be downloaded to your computer.

Create your file

Send us via email

Send us your .penpot file to

Create your file

Or via Github

Or create a pull request (if you're a bit techy) with your .penpot file attached to our libraries repository

Create your file

So cool!

Our team will review your file and publish it into the Libraries & Templates section. Go ahead and contribute to the community!

More info about license and contributing